Pipette Tips

Pipette Tips

BenchMate® Pipette Tips

Key Features

Universal - Compatible with most brands of pipettes.

Sterile - Pipette tips are irradiated to a Sterility Assurance Level (SAL) of 10-6, meeting ISO 11137 standards.

Free of Contaminants - Produced in a fully automatic, human touch free clean room facility ensuring the pipette tips are free from DNase, RNase, human DNA, endotoxins, pyrogens, PCR inhibitors, lubricants, and heavy metal.

Superior Filter - Manufactured of PE without additives to create a barrier that is ideal for molecular biology applications.

Low Retention - BenchMate® pipette tips are crafted with a proprietary resin and manufactured using a diamond finish mold. The result is highly transparent, ultra low retention pipette tip with a smooth hydrophobic interior.


Available in:

Racks - Individually wrapped pipette tip boxes

Eco-friendly racks

Stackable Racks Space saving reloading stacks

Bulk - Self standing, zip lock bags



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